Analytical Variability and Agreement of Leukocyte Quantification Methods in Inland Bearded Dragons (Pogona vitticeps)
Hematology is a common diagnostic assay for evaluation of health in veterinary species. Several manual methods exist to evaluate the leukocyte component of reptile complete blood counts; however, no single method has been proven reliable for all reptiles. To investigate the analytical variability and agreement of commonly used leukocyte quantification methods, blood was collected from 10 clinically healthy bearded dragons (Pogona vitticeps) and analyzed in triplicate using Natt-Herricks (NH) solution, eosinophilic leukopet (LO), and estimated white blood cell counts on peripheral blood smears made from fresh whole blood or blood anticoagulated with lithium heparin (LH). To investigate interobserver variability, blood film white blood cell estimates were generated by both a novice veterinary student and a boarded clinical pathologist and analyzed for agreement. Analytical variability was highest using the LH blood film estimate by a boarded clinical pathologist (21.0%), followed by the student’s NH method (20.8%), fresh whole blood film estimate from the clinical pathologist (16.6%), eosinophilic LO (student; 8.7%), and blood film estimates using fresh whole blood (6.5%) and LH blood (4.5%), read by the student. Bland Altman plots revealed that agreement occurred between LO and NH methods and between the two blood film estimate methods; Passing-Bablok regression analysis revealed constant and proportional error between LO and both estimate methods and between NH and both estimate methods. Agreement occurred between the veterinary student and clinical pathologist for both blood smear leukocyte estimates. These results highlight the importance of considering which leukocyte quantification method is used when clinically assessing reptile patients.Abstract

Box plots of average total white blood cell count (y axis: cells/μl) in 10 bearded dragons (Pogona vitticeps) using six leukocyte quantification methods. Three replicates were averaged for eosinophilic leukopet method, Natt-Herricks method, and blood film estimates on fresh whole blood and from lithium heparinized (LH) whole blood generated by a veterinary student (VS) and clinical pathologist (CP).

Passing-Bablok plots of total white blood cell counts using three different leukocyte quantification methodologies (WBCNH: Natt-Herricks method performed by a veterinary student; WBCLH: avian leukopet performed by a veterinary student; WBCest: blood film estimate generated by a veterinary clinical pathologist from fresh whole blood; and WBCestLH: blood film estimate generated by a veterinary clinical pathologist from lithium heparinized blood) in 10 bearded dragons (Pogona vitticeps). Gray dotted line indicates perfect agreement, solid blue line is the observed regression line, and red dotted lines are bounds of the confidence interval of the regression line.

Bland-Altman plots of total white blood cell counts using three different methodologies (WBCNH: Natt-Herricks method performed by a veterinary student; WBCLH: avian leukopet performed by a veterinary student; WBCest: blood film estimate generated by a veterinary clinical pathologist from fresh whole blood); and WBCestLH WBCest: blood film estimate generated by a veterinary clinical pathologist from lithium heparinized blood) in 10 bearded dragons (Pogona vitticeps). Orange dotted line indicates perfect agreement between methods, solid blue line is the observed difference in methods, green bracket is 95% confidence interval of the observed difference, and dashed line is the limit of agreement.